It’s time to talk about an uncomfortable topic.
Grief is so uncomfortable that many struggle to know what to say to someone experiencing the grief of a sudden, soul-crushing loss. Grief can also sneak up on you. The unfolding coronavirus pandemic is a set-up for this as people can initially be more aware of the other normal responses to this abnormal situation such as shock, anger, fear, worry, stress and anxiety.
Though you may not be aware of grief specifically, it can masquerade as other emotions. Other signals of distress like anger outbursts, tensions in your relationships, paralysis, preoccupation and overall angst can signal grief is underneath.
Like many, you may be using humor to manage your feelings; sharing memes on social media and in text threads (which by the way is a very effective coping tool). But I also encourage you to at least be aware of grief and the possibility that you will encounter it at some point.
Consider just a few of the losses people are experiencing, with more coming:
Spring Break trips
bar mitzvahs
dinners out with friends
dinners in with friends
last little league seasons
Tuesday night darts
being with classmates at school
church on Sundays
high school and college graduations
book clubs
hoops at the Y
movies at the theater