Rindie Eagle, MA, LPCC
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Board Approved Supervisor LPCC/Master ART Practitioner/Certified HeartMath Biofeedback

From Around the Web

The beginning of February signals that Valentines Day is near.  For those in loving, intimate relationships who put a lot of meaning into this holiday, they may be all atwitter about how they will spend time with a partner or how expressions of love will be symbolized in gifts or other loving acts.  For people who are single, there might be a weight associated with the impending day of hearts and flowers, as they imagine what “others” are doing.  And let’s not forget about those who couldn’t care less about this “fabricated” holiday and are actually a bit annoyed by the materialism and expectations around all of it.
Wherever you fit on the continuum above, let’s toss it all aside for a minute to consider a fresh paradigm.
No, not the narcissistic kind but a state of appreciation of yourself, who you are, your strengths and what you bring to the table for friends, family and intimate connections.  Those who have a strong sense of who they are and are clear on their value, tend to radiate this outward.
When you practice loving yourself it is beneficial in that you are better able to:

Be mindful.  This helps with clarity around what you really

Originally published at http://loveandlifetoolbox.com

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