Rindie Eagle, MA, LPCC
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Board Approved Supervisor LPCC/Master ART Practitioner/Certified HeartMath Biofeedback

From Around the Web

Something really interesting happens when you’re forced to slow down.  One thing, you get creative.  Boredom can also stoke creativity.
As the new social distancing way of life rolls into the third week, I’m noticing myself doing things differently as I move around in my home.  The pressure to be anywhere isn’t there.  I’m taking my time to the dishes in the sink without preoccupation with the other things I should be doing.  Items on the bottom of my “I’d like to do that but I never get around to it” list, like art and baking, are actually happening.  And humor is more important to me than ever.  We all need it.
On Twitter, there is a hashtag making the rounds called #IsolationLife and people from all over the world are sharing things they are doing (or even thoughts they are having) while in self-quarantine.  It’s clear people are stretching themselves, finding silver linings, in contemplation and using loads of humor to get through this thing.
Enjoy some  #IsolationLife tweets (the second one is mine):
“Shaved the sides of my head, having a Britney moment.”
“I read a study about the benefits of doing art “even if you suck at it” so I drew the

Originally published at http://loveandlifetoolbox.com

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