I recently was invited to partner with Samantha Foster, President of the nonprofit organzation, Rethink Mental Health Incorporated. She was looking for mental health advocates to help support her in her mission to encourage those struggling emotionally to talk about it and reach out for help. Samantha hopes everyone will “rethink” the stigma associated with having mental health issues. At RethinkStigma.org, you can find COVID-19 support, articles, educational tools like the H.E.A.R.T. social and emotional learning program for schools and more.
With COVID-19, people have more need than maybe ever to process their stress, fear, worries and sadness around the continued losses and change in the way of life. Sadness can ooze into clinical depression just like angst can morph into a full blown anxiety disorder. There is nothing fundamentally “wrong” with you if you need help.
Here are a few words from Samantha herself on her journey:
“All my life I have experienced mental health issues in the form of my emotionally abusive upbringing, my previously unmanaged borderline personality disorder, and my battles with anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation. At the young age of 12 I was misdiagnosed with bipolar which led to 10 years of being prescribed numerous high-dosage medications that