Rindie Eagle, MA, LPCC
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Board Approved Supervisor LPCC/Master ART Practitioner/Certified HeartMath Biofeedback

From Around the Web

As we approach the holidays, you may feel several emotions: warm and happy, excited, or maybe you feel anxious and even a little bit blue. The holidays involve seeing friends and family we may not have seen all year, and for some, this can be anxiety-producing and outright triggering. If this is true for you, practicing clear boundary setting is vital before any potentially distressing event. 
  Many people need help setting boundaries, as it is a skill that is sometimes not appropriately modeled. Even if clear boundaries have not been established in the past, rest assured that it’s never too late to learn how.
Putting boundaries into place can give you back control over a situation where others seem to have all the power and the say over your comfort. Communicating what is “okay” and not “okay” is essential to protect your physical and mental energy and ensure your safety.  
Why set boundaries
Setting boundaries is like putting up signposts around your emotional and mental space. Boundaries help to recognize and respect that you have your own thoughts, memories, and experiences that shouldn’t get mixed up with someone else’s. 
  What’s more, boundaries can work like your own internal alarm. They let you know when someone’s getting too close to your emotional or mental limits. Your emotions can serve as guidance systems to let you know when boundaries are needed. If a conversation leaves you feeling drained or anxious, it could indicate a breach of your boundaries.
 Boundaries, in a way, act like security guards for your stress

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